Saturday, March 24, 2012

Work in Progress Update & Some Mindless Rambling

Evening, all. :)

My current work in progress, detailed HERE, is coming along nicely. I'm just over 60k+ words. I usually aim for around 75k so not long now to go. Then it's polishing, editing, and submitting. After that I should be starting on the sequel to Chasing Seth.

Just a reminder if you haven't already voted, Chasing Seth is up for Best GLBT Paranormal Romance over at The Romance Reviews, so please head over between now and Saturday March 31st to cast your vote. Vote Here

And Touch Me Gently is up for Best Gay Romance again over at the TLA Gaybies. If you haven't already cast your vote or would like to vote again (you can vote as many times as you'd like) please go HERE between now and Saturday March 31st to vote.

On to some mindless rambling...

I haven't read the Hunger Games and I have nothing against it, but HOLY HELL, am I sick of the commercials! I can't even go to a website online where they aren't pushing it. It makes me NOT want to see it. I feel like they're shoving it down my throat. UGH.

It seems my boss at my day job wants to send me to California for a conference in May... I don't even know if I want to go. I mean the idea of going to California is awesome, but it's not for a vacation, it's for a conference where I am sure to be bored out of my tree. Maybe I'm looking at it in a wrong perspective, but it's unknown territory for me in many ways. 1. Never been to a conference, what the hell do they do at one? 2. Never flown... my first flight was to be in September for a retreat I'm going to and the flight would only be three hours with one layover. I would prefer the three hour flight for my first flight versus SIX hours! 3. They're sending me alone... Really? No one else can go? I'm being sent three thousand miles away from home, on a plane for the first time, to a state/city I've never been to before and I'll be on my own. Could we take a fish out of its element anymore than that? When I went to Orlando for Gay Days on my own, that was a big move for me considering I've never gone that far from home alone. It's just overwhelming and mind boggling. Any advice for the novice in all of that?

I was hoping to have a contest on my blog, but unfortunately the contest I had in mind isn't going to happen because of what I intended to do for it. Apparently the state of Florida frowns on raffles. I wasn't going to sell tickets, just offer up three tickets to every reader who purchased one of my books between March 15th and March 31st to enter a raffle for either a t-shirt or a tote bag with their choice of book covers on it. *sigh* But of course, the state I live in stinks. I'm trying to think of another one which would make it as exciting. :) So keep an eye out for it.

I think I'll stop rambling now, lol. If I keep going, this is going to turn into a monstrous post. Have a good one, all!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Chance to Own a Personalized Paperback Copy of Chasing Seth!

The Romance Reviews First Anniversary Party has been rocking and rolling for 21 days now. Today, the 21st day, there is a copy of Chasing Seth signed by yours truly available over at the site. So if you haven't participated as of yet click the link below to join in on the fun and take a shot at winning the paperback copy of Chasing Seth up for grabs.

You can read about the event, publishers and authors joining the event at
The Romance Reviews Anniversary Party!!! CLICK HERE!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Chasing Seth Nominated on TRR for Best GLBT Paranormal Romance!

Wow so many wonderful nominations this month!

Chasing Seth is up for Best GLBT Paranormal Romance over at The Romance Reviews this month! So head on over to vote and to join in on their Anniversary bash where you can even win an autographed paperback copy of Chasing Seth!! TRR Best Book of 2011

Touch Me Gently is once again nominated for the 2012 Gaybies! So head on over and vote as many times as you want between now and March 31st! 2012 TLA Gaybies

Other Exciting News!! Touch Me Gently is now available in Audio Book Format from iTunes,, and Audible! Check it out today! Audio Book Format

Touch Me Gently will also be released in the coming months in Spanish, German, French and Italian! So keep an eye out for them!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Paypal Back Pedals!!

I saw this post today and had to say 'WAY TO GO, EVERYONE!' Speaking up is the only way to stop companies, people, and the government from passing laws or instituting rules which are unconstitutional! We have to stop let them dictate how we live our lives! It's none of their business how we choose to spend our money, to live our lives, or to tell us we're wrong for it either!

Want to read about Paypal's new outlook over their policies?

Paypal backtracks on ebook policy

Keep raising your voices, everyone! All of us need to be heard!