Tuesday, November 26, 2013

J.R. Loveless MIA?... Nah, Just Busy

An idea of the Thayne pictured in my head while writing!
I know it's been super long since I posted. I am sorry. I don't want to fall off the grid, but with work and getting old(!) I'm always tired. I've been trying to finish the follow up to Chasing Seth. It's almost there! I'm at just over 73k words and my target is at least 80k. I have to update my word count meter here to reflect the change. I have been posting my progress on my Facebook so if you aren't already friends on there, send me an invite and I'll accept. My profile is private on Facebook since I post pictures from time to time that are a tad on the racy side and I don't want to be flagged by someone for posting them.
My dog is doing well. He has his days where he experiences troubles with his pancreas. The only thing I can do is be with him and if he seems to be in pain give him one of his pills. As long as I keep him relatively calm and on the weight management food he seems to do well.

Are you attending RainbowCon in Tampa in April next year? I am! I have an author spot and would love to see you there! I will be giving away LOTS of goodies in the swag room so I hope you'll come! I'll be putting together a set of those goodies as a giveaway after I come back from the Con so make sure to keep an eye out for your chance to win just in case you aren't able to make it to Tampa! It sounds like it's going to be a blast and I hope to keep going each year! Especially since it's not that far from my home and easy to drive. (Not a fan of flying!).

Ain't that the truth?
Is it just me or does Black Friday no longer quantify as Black Friday? I mean now the stores are opening on Thanksgiving!? What's up with that? Seriously? Those poor employees and not being able to enjoy one day off to be with their families! The all mighty dollar rules again! SMH. Such a shame how commercialized the holidays have become. It makes it hard to enjoy them anymore. Christmas movies and decorations are shoved down your throat now before Halloween is even over. It just seems as if our country is getting away from the true meaning of Thanksgiving and Christmas. When I saw how many stores are opening as early as 4pm on Thursday this week I couldn't help but scoff at how greedy the stores are getting. And you would think the stores would put some kind of process in place to prevent the injuries, fighting, and all out mob mentality that happens EVERY year. There hasn't been a Black Friday gone by in years where someone wasn't hurt over stupidity.

Keep an eye on my website soon because I'm going to be posting my previous Christmas release with Silver Publishing on the site as a free read. I also am going to be self publishing the other two stories from there as well in the next couple of months. I just have to find the time between finishing Forgiving Thayne and work to format it for upload to the various sites. I had the cover redesigned and I am very happy with it. More so than the original. I was never happy with the original, but after multiple attempts to relay what I wanted I gave up and accepted the best of the lot. So there will be new covers! :) Also will update my website once those are available again.

Okay, it is almost three a.m. here and I have to be up for work soon. Going to log! Have a WONDERFUL rest of the evening and an even better day! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Make sure to appreciate the day and enjoy the time with your family. Remember what it's all about because if we continue to lose sight of what it really means to be thankful, I'm not sure our future is going to be very bright.