New Website
Last year I had briefly mentioned I would have a new website. The person I had building the site bailed on me and I didn't get the site I wanted. At the end of last year, beginning of this year, I decided to see if there was another way to make my site. I now have my new site up and running. It's a lot more dynamic, more options regarding layouts and the ability to make it look more like a site and less like a blog. I even updated it with all my recent releases, too. So stop by J.R. Loveless and let me know what you think. :)
There are pages for about me, how to contact me, and also pages with links to my books and the latest information about them. I still have a lot more I want to add to it, make it even prettier and packed with more information. I'm also going to be migrating my blog over there over time, so if you're still reading these posts, you may want to start following me over there instead. I may maintain this just to say, NEW POST, or something, but I would like to get all of my stuff in one place to make it easier for everyone looking for information on me or my books.
New Journey
I started working out and eating healthy again, this time with the very real intention of remaining on that journey. My knees ache all the time, my ankles hurt from walking long periods of time, my lower back is always an issue, and I just overall feel so much better when I'm eating healthier and working out. I gained back a good portion of what I lost two years ago and I am deeply saddened with myself for doing that. But I've already lost 13 of those found pounds and steamrolling ahead to shed the last of what I have gained back and keep going. I would like to be down eighty pounds by the end of the year.
Eating healthier isn't difficult, just time consuming, because you have to prep your own food in order to make sure it's healthy. I bought myself an Instant Pot last year and I LOVE it. Everything comes out tasty and done just right. I've used it so much lately. I'm always on the lookout for healthy, great tasting recipes, so if you have something you'd like to share, please post it in the comments or shoot me an email from my site. :)
New Resolutions
I know I've slacked in the writing category the last couple of years and the only excuses I can offer is life. New house, previously a new relationship (that's over), and major migraines. But I also have to admit to being lazy and not taking the bull by the horns and just writing every day. Part of that was due to a foster dog we were caring for who didn't know the meaning of personal space when she wanted attention. We couldn't mix her with our dogs because our dogs didn't like her so we had to play a round robin game of who was out and running free in the house every couple of hours to make it okay on the furbabies. By the time our dogs were out for the night and she was in her crate for bedtime, I was exhausted and passing out on the couch.
But she has since been adopted and after a few days break to catch up on some sleep, I am going to be writing every day until Protecting Kai is finished. My goal, and I can't say I swear by all that is holy it'll be met, is end of February. That's 34 days. There's only about 30 to 40k words left to be written. I can do it! Fifteen hundred words a day is easy!
I know many of us make resolutions at the beginning of the year that don't stick. Weight loss, working out, pursuing whatever it is you think you want. We all end up making those resolutions, but this year I am determined to make them stick. I love to write, but age and work has affected my ability to sit up til all hours of the night and still go to work the next day. My best writing was always done that way. Now I just have to make it during the evening hours instead. I can do it!
I guess that was a lot to read.
TLDR: To sum it all up, I have a new website, on a new journey to finally lose the weight and keep it off, and my goal is to finish Protecting Kai by end of February!