Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Where has J.R. Been... & New Story Available!

Happy Holidays, everyone. Sorry I haven't really been around much lately. The holidays don't always sit well with me. It's been a few years where I have been able to enjoy them. I tend to go into a hole in the ground and hibernate like a bear for a month or so and not really interact with people. I don't really know if it's a whole lonely factor or if it's something more. Anyway, I'm still alive. Been dealing with some back pain and sitting for long periods of time is difficult as well. I hope all of you enjoyed your Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa, and every holiday celebrated at this time of year! :) 

First, an update on current WIPs. I have not really had much chance to write lately so I'm sadly lacking in much to relay to you because of doctor's visits, back pain, and a few other things that have come up. I do have a New Year's resolution that NO MATTER WHAT I am going to make a plan and stick to it. I am going to dedicate four nights a week to writing. I have to get back into the groove of things. For you and for myself.

I also have good news for those who do read my blog and are interested in reading new stories by me! :) Cool Beans publishing has not only re-released my book Swift's Temptation but they have also released a new, never been read short Christmas story called Blue Christmas in their Winter Blend Anthology. It's available at Amazon right now, but also at B&N and should be available at ARe and Smashwords soon if they are not already. It is actually longer than a short story, it's about 25k words so it's almost the length of a novella!

My projects for 2015 include Protecting Kai (True Mates 3) and the sequel to Touch Me Gently. I could really use the encouragement to keep me motivated and on the road to getting those out there for you! Please don't forget about me! I know I don't put out stories as quickly as others, but I promise I am still here. :)


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Forgiving Thayne Officially Available!

Good Morning! I know I am a little delayed on getting this post out as Forgiving Thayne came out yesterday. I am excited to say that it is already doing well in it's opening week! It's officially on the Amazon.com, ARe, and Dreamspinner Press Bestsellers list. All of which are in the top ten right now! Thank you so much everyone!

 Dreamspinner Press e-Book

 Amazon.com e-Book Link

All Romance eBooks Link

I know you've all been waiting a long time for this one and I truly hope you enjoy it and that I did Nick and Thayne's story justice. They're definitely one of my favorite couples to date aside from Kaden and Logan. :)

I think if I can stir up emotions in my readers - sadness, happiness, or anger - that's what it is all about. Thayne can be a stubborn jackass, but I still find him to be someone that is worth getting to know and eventually will make you proud of him. I read an early review already where someone related Nick to being a doormat and I'm not entirely sure I agree or disagree. As part of most shifter worlds, when a shifter finds their mate, it's rather hard not to allow themselves to bend over backwards to please them, help them, or protect them. Nick's inner wolf is very much in control throughout most of Nick's actions within the story. But in defense of Nick's 'doormatness', I've read many shifter stories where one is always more dominant than the other and allows themselves to be walked all over. In fact, there was one I tried so hard to read a few months back that I couldn't even stomach to finish. I think Nick did a relatively good job at standing up for himself as much as he could while fighting his wolf's instincts to run to Thayne at every turn.

I also hope that most of the readers agree there is a definite improvement in my 'feminizing' one of the men in the story as that has been one of the wider spread points I've seen in the reviews on Touch Me Gently and Chasing Seth. Though, I will say that coming from a Yaoi fan base, that's how I've seen a lot of the stories written within the Yaoi environment. Not all, no, but more often than not, one is more feminine than the other. 

I will be continuing the True Mates world with Cole's story and have already begun writing the next one. :) If you don't know who Cole is, then you'll need to read Thayne and Nick's story first. :P

Well, that's all for now! Have a wonderful day, everyone!!!


Monday, September 8, 2014

Forgiving Thayne Cover Reveal Contest Winner - NIkki Reader!

Congratulations, Nikki! You are the winner of my blog contest! I have already sent you an email regarding your size and mailing address! Please be sure to let me know when you can!

Thank you to everyone who participated! I loved reading everyone's comments and seeing who is their favorite character from my True Mates world. I am truly inspired by each and every one of you. Thank you so much for continuing to motivate me to continue moving forward with my dream.

For those who may not be aware, Forgiving Thayne is now available for pre-order at Dreamspinner Press's website. :) So if you can't wait and want to read it the minute it's available, now would be a good time to set it up for pre-order.

eBook - Forgiving Thayne eBook Pre-Order

Paperback - Forgiving Thayne Paperback Pre-Order


Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Forgiving Thayne Cover Reveal & Giveaway!

Well, it is finally here! The cover has been finalized for Forgiving Thayne and I absolutely love it! Anne Cain is an amazing artist and awesome to work with. She comes up with covers I could never even begin to imagine or see with an artist's eye like her.

Along with the reveal right here on my blog, I am also doing a giveaway. I have a black tote bag with the Chasing Seth cover on it and will also be giving away a t-shirt (will get the winner's size after the contest is over) with the Forgiving Thayne cover on it!! All you have to do to win is comment below and tell me who your favorite character from the world of Chasing Seth is (And don't forget to leave your email address for me to be able to reach you if you win!). :) Easy right? Entry deadline is September 4th at midnight.

And now what everyone has been waiting for.... *drumroll*

Forgiving Thayne Cover Art

Friday, August 1, 2014

Announcement: Christmas in July Prize Pack Giveaway Winner & Re-Release Information

Happy August 1st everyone! I received over 25 entries into my contest and I couldn't be more excited to see such a response to my give away. :)  I loved reading about everyone's dreams and what they are grateful for in their lives. It brings a lot into perspective as we always let the small day to day things let us forget what's important. So many of us end up regretting not stopping to enjoy the little things we take for granted every day. 

Just to give you insight on how I choose my winner - I don't do the rafflecopter thingy, not even sure how to, and this was not about who I thought had the best answer because everyone's answer was the best. I like to make things fair so I take the number of entries I have, enter them into a spreadsheet by name or email in the order they were received and use a random number generator to choose my winner. With the posts here and the posts received on Twitter/FB/Google +, the number is 20 and that is Denise Dechene! Congratulations, Denise! I will also notify you on Facebook! 
It makes me happy to see so many who participated and I want to say thank you to everyone for sharing your thoughts with me. 

As for the re-release information, the two stories I received the rights back from 'the publisher who shall not be named' (affectionately dubbed Voldemort Publishing during a conversation at Rainbow Con) have been accepted by another publishing house. Once the contract has been signed and returned to them I will let everyone know which house and the tentative re-release date of these two stories. Great news, right? :)  

Swift's Temptation
Fragments of a Unicorn's Soul

They even have brand new, more fitting covers! Both of which were designed by the wonderful and sweet Sara York who I can't thank enough for putting up with my nitpicking during the process. 

So for those of you who didn't wish to purchase books from that publisher, you will now have the chance to read either one you may have missed!

Once again Thank YOU to everyone who helped celebrate DSP's Christmas in July event and participated throughout the month of July. I know all authors appreciate every single one of you, because without you, we would be nothing. 



Friday, July 25, 2014

DSP Christmas in July Celebration! - His Salvation only 99c! (GIVEAWAY)

Today is officially Christmas! Well... in July at least! :)  Dreamspinner Press is having a HUGE sale this month to celebrate Christmas in July. As you can see from the banner, all holiday stories are 25% off while everything else is 20% off! Great deal, right? Well they've sweetened the deal by making several stories each day only .99c and today is when you can get my book His Salvation for only .99c! If you haven't read it, head over to pick it up now. Every day they have new stories for .99c so make sure to check into the site each day for some great reads to add to your list. 

Since 2010 I have been blessed with the opportunity to live out my dream as a writer and have had multiple novels and short stories published. It's a very humbling and very amazing thing to experience. Every time a new contract comes or the next cover is shown to me, I can't quite stifle the giddy 'child on Christmas morning' feeling I get. When I see how many people have read my stories and even more so the ones who loved them it makes me want to pinch myself to see if it's real. Every day I spend with my readers on Facebook or Twitter, or the ones who take the time out of their busy days to email me, is like receiving a new gift. I am also grateful for my health, my family, my every day job (even though it takes away from my writing), my furbaby's health, and waking up each day to know I get to experience them all over again.

(not the official cover yet!)

And I have been blessed once more this year with another upcoming novel from Dreamspinner Press. The follow up to Chasing Seth featuring the ever loveable Nick Cartwright and the arrogant ass Thayne Whitedove. Look for Forgiving Thayne release information in the coming months. Due out in Sept/Oct this year!

To offer my own Christmas in July gift, I am having a mini give away. I want to know what you're grateful for in your life. Have you accomplished your dream? Do you have a wonderful family? What about a great job you go to every day? What makes your life worth getting up every morning and facing each new day with a beautiful smile and a happy heart? Tell me in the comments below, on my Facebook Page (LINK), or Tweet me on Twitter (twitter link) to enter! No restrictions on country either. So anyone can enter. You must post your comment by no later than 11:59:59 pm Eastern Standard Time July 31st to be eligible to win.
What's the present? Well it wouldn't be a present if it wasn't a surprise, right? ;)  I promise you'll love it!

Happy Christmas in July, everyone! Gift yourself by checking out the .99c month long deals over at Dreamspinner Press. There's still six days left in the month. ;)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

RainbowCon 2015 & Big Cat Love

Each year at RainbowCon, we run a charity raffle. 2014, the recipient of the raffle money was Equality Florida, Inc., and for 2015, the recipient will be the Big Cat Rescue of Tampa Bay.

We've been asked why we chose a non-LGBTQ charity for 2015, and the answer was simply that it is a local charity that does some amazing things. They help big cats that would otherwise be killed or kept in terrible conditions. They educate the public, provide for these cats, and work tirelessly to protect big cats from exploitation. It's a noble cause, and we wanted RainbowCon to help support that cause.

Through choosing Big Cat Rescue, we also decided on our theme: Walk on the Wild Side. This has given us so many opportunities for events, swag, and panel ideas. But, there is one bonus for 50 people who sign up quickly enough: a field trip to tour the Big Cat Rescue.

This will be a trip that leaves the hotel around 9am on Friday morning, and everyone will return by 1pm. A bus will take our attendees out to the Big Cat Rescue, and then they will be taken on an hour long guided walking tour of the facility. As someone who has been to the rescue, it's an exciting and educational hour, well worth the effort of the walk. The cats are beautiful, though many have tragic pasts that have left their marks.

Attendees will be able to buy raffle tickets throughout the weekend, and we hope to have someone from the Big Cat Rescue attend the closing ceremonies on Sunday. We think this is a great charity run by big-hearted people, and the money RainbowCon raises will go to so many wonderful projects. We hope that all those attending will enter the raffle to win one of dozens of prizes (which even includes a 2 night return stay with breakfast at the host hotel!) and help support this wonderful organization!

RainbowCon is a four day QUILTBAG-centric event for anyone and everyone. If you love QUILTBAG fiction and media, then this is the place for you. You don't have identify as GLBTQ to attend! You just need to love and support the GLBTQ community. In 2015, we've expanded our programming to include not only content for writers and readers, but also anyone who loves QUILTBAG television, movies, comic books, educational, and fandom topics. We're an inclusive conference, and we want everyone to enjoy themselves. Check out our schedule to see all the fun we have in store for you!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Why do some people review books? A few thoughts of my own...

Gotta wonder why someone would waste their time reviewing books if they never truly like any. I'm not one to usually comment or even seek out reviews on my books because I am very hard on myself when someone is negative about my books, but I saw a review today on one of my books that I made me go and look at the person's other reviews. They rarely gave above two stars, if at all. Why bother to read any books if you're expecting everything to be the quality of Shakespeare or Bronte or Faulkner? Especially in today's society where books are released one after another by smaller publishing houses or self-pubbed by many authors. I just think you're wasting your time if you never enjoy the books. What's the point if you never like them? Why read at all?

Well... to each his own, I suppose. But the reviewer is not one I intend on letting affect my frame of mind as there is no value in a reviewer who is consistently acidic and negative and doesn't ever seem to enjoy what they read. Just saying. No offense to any reviewers on my friends list on Facebook or Twitter or even those I haven't met yet who stumble across my blog. Most of them, if not all, know I've been actively seeking reviews for one of my books. I want the reviews, but just felt the need to speak my mind on this. I can only hope anyone who reads the reviews takes them with a grain of salt. Not all readers like the same thing, as reviews on most of my books will dictate. Some loved Touch Me Gently and others outright hated it. The same with the rest of them. I may not be one of the aforementioned writers, but I don't think I do too bad of a job.

Hopefully as I continue to write and stumble on these reviews, my writing will grow and expand and I will get better. I think I have already come quite a distance from Touch Me Gently to now. And I believe Forgiving Thayne has been my best one yet. It was more cohesive and less of one of the MCs seeming as if he were a woman in a male role. Many outside forces affect a writer's stories. I came from a world of Yaoi where on a typical story there is a more feminine character. HOWEVER, with that stated, there are no two people alike. There are feminine men out there who cry at the drop of a hat or who will accept being treated badly but still love someone. Just as a woman would. Let's not forget that horrific excuse for a trilogy named something along the lines of fifty shades of horseshit? Some of the comments I've seen in the reviews on my books have been how unrealistic my characters are, but its rather obvious the owners of those comments haven't met very many people in their lives. I have friends from all avenues of life, gay, straight, bi, white, black, asian, funny, serious, sarcastic, witty, weak, strong, and more. I write from experience, from people I've met, movies I've seen, books I've read, commercials, anything that sparks an idea or character.

Anyway, I think this is just something that needs to be said. We, as writers, are not allowed to voice our opinions to the reviewers or fight back on some of the more scathing reviews as it's considered bad form. I never respond to reviews, good or bad, for the most part. I have recently said thank you to the blogs which I requested the review from and they have let me know they posted it. But on the whole, I never say a word. I avoid the reviews typically to avoid damaging my self confidence and putting up a road block in whatever I am writing.  I will never be Mary Calmes or RJ Scott or Amber Kell. I am J.R. Loveless and that's good enough for me. I love to write and build worlds even if there are some who don't like the way I write or the worlds I build. I love my characters and I am proud of what I have accomplished thus far.

I will leave it at that as I have to go do some things. This was not aimed at any specific reviewer and wasn't intended to piss any reviewers off. Just a forthright opinion and what's on my mind.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

NexGard Chewables: Oral Flea and Tick Repellent - DON'T USE IT

Yesterday May 24th, I visited my vet because my dog has been itching like crazy and I wasn't able to find any fleas on him, but my vet was able to identify the little pests immediately. So he suggested this new chewable from NexGard, the same people who make HeartGard. I agreed because Yoshi has been on Heartgard for years. When we got back home, I gave him one as directed and he seemed fine. Although through out the evening he became lethargic and was sleeping a lot. I didn't really think much of it because I figured the excitement from the day had worn him out.

I woke up this morning to him having vomited everywhere multiple times. When I took him out to walk him, he had explosive diarrhea. He couldn't keep anything down at all. The water he drank came right back up. He's been lethargic all day long and sleeping off and on. The only time he's moved is if he's been following me or I took him outside to walk around a little bit.

I just visited their website to see if I could get a picture of the box to include with this post and I find this "DISCLAIMER" at the bottom of their site:  NexGard is for use in dogs only. The most frequently reported adverse reactions include vomiting, dry/flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy, and lack of appetite. The safe use of NexGard in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs has not been evaluated. Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures.
WHY would anyone want to give their animals something which could cause them to be THAT sick????? Really? I am so upset. And this stuff costs a fortune. For a six month supply it was $120! The rest of this is going back to the vet's office Tuesday for a refund. I refuse to give this to him again and I recommend anyone considering it or 'recommended' it by their vet think twice before they give it to their own dogs. 

I wanted to get this out there to everyone who follows me and ask that you please spread the word to other pet owners like me. I am reporting this to the FDA as well and hope that anyone else who has given this to the dog and seen these types of reactions will report it as well. We need to start being more vocal about these things to protect our animals from the greed of the companies out there who care nothing for our beloved pets just what money flows into their pockets. THIS IS NOT A SAFE PRODUCT FOR YOUR PET!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

2014 Hop Against Homophobia and Transphobia - Same-Sex Marriage and What Being a Supporter means?


When I started writing this post, I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to write. I decided to do what I do with my stories and just go. This week there is a huge group of authors, reviewers, and bloggers everywhere who are posting to support the Hop Against Homophobia and Transphobia. I think this is a wonderful way to show support within the LGBTQ community and I truly hope it makes the impact we all want to see it make. Raising awareness of the hatred still held within the hearts of so many to others outside of our community will someday bring about the one thing we still so desperately want... acceptance and equality.

While the United States and the people here have come quite a distance from how it was thirty, twenty, even ten years ago, we still have a long way to go as a society in accepting people no matter who they are. I'd like to see the distinction between marriage and 'gay' marriage gone. It's just marriage! No matter whether it's two men, two women, or one man and one woman. It's still just two people who love one another and support one another in times of hardship. Two people who want to spend their lives together and build a family. Isn't that all that matters? Why should anything else matter? 

To kind of take a tangent off in another direction, I wanted to express my opinion about something which touched a nerve for me recently. There are some people in the LGBTQ community who believe if you aren't out on the street dressed in a rainbow t-shirt with a rainbow flag marching in a parade or protest and proudly screaming for equality you aren't a true supporter. So because I'm not one of those who run out to every Pride festival or rally or stand on the White House lawn yelling at the President and demanding equality for all, I'm not allowed to say I'm a supporter of LGBTQ rights? Who says? Who makes that determination? I write gay romance. I hurt for those I see affected by the hatred still felt in so many hearts. I reprimand anyone in my little bubble of a world who says anything offensive or snarky about gay men and women. I CARE. I donate to LGBTQ charities. I openly and proudly tell people what I write without a care of what they think. Why doesn't this count? 

I don't see how there should be a distinctive way to support LGBTQ rights. I guarantee you a ton of those people who voted YES on same-sex marriage are like me. Are the ones saying if you aren't actively out there demanding equal rights you aren't a supporter those people don't count as one either? I think that's b.s. They are supporters because if they weren't there wouldn't be those states which now have legalized same-sex marriages. I don't believe you have to be shouting from the rooftops to be heard. Sometimes a whisper is much more effective than a scream. 

Maybe my post will anger some, but how is the judgment of those whispering any different? 

That sort of went all over didn't it? Sorry about that. I have been told more than once my thoughts are fragmented and I can't help how they come out sometimes. Same thing with my writing. My sentence structures tend to come out in unique ways because of the way my brain works. 

On for the part you're all here for... the give away! :D  So this is just a simple thing. Comment to win! I will randomly choose someone as the winner of a bit of swag from Rainbow Con 2014, some of it mine and some it from other authors. I have key chains, pens, and more! No restrictions on locale. If you live in the US or outside of it, doesn't matter. So feel free to comment no matter where you live! :) The winner will be drawn the day after the last day of the hop, May 25th. PLEASE include some form of contact, be it an e-mail or social media avenue. I need to be able to get in touch with you to get your mailing address. 

Please be sure to visit the many, many other blogs participating in this HAHAT event! There are such wonderful posts and awesome prizes to win! Please visit this post to find the links to the other blogs: Hop Against Homopbia - CLICK HERE!